Runyaway Health & Rehab

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Health & Medical

Osteo and Rheumatoid Arthritis

Osteoarthritis is a very common condition that affects whole joints including bone, cartilage, ligaments, and muscles. Symptoms can include inflammation surrounding the affected joint, damage to cartilage, bony spurs and ligament deterioration. Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammation condition that has a major impact on joints. Symptoms include swelling on joints, joint stiffness and fatigue. Exercise plays an important role in arthritis management as it increases strength and flexibility and reduces pain in joints and reduction in fatigue.

Type 1 and 2 Diabetes

Type 1 diabetes is a non-curable autoimmune condition affecting the pancreas and insulin production. Type 2 diabetes is a progressive condition and occurs when the body starts resisting the normal effects of insulin or loses capacity to create insulin through the pancreas. Common symptoms of diabetes include excessive thirst, feeling of tiredness and lethargy, feeling of hunger and slow recovery from cuts. Exercise can increase quality of life through increased insulin sensitivity, reduced blood sugar levels, increased energy and increased general fitness and wellbeing.


Osteoporosis causes weakness in the bones leading to brittleness. This means that injuries are easily achieved through simple activities such as bending or twisting. Osteopenia is the loss of bone mass leading to weakness. Exercise helps reduce the symptoms of both these conditions by improving physical fitness and muscle strength, improving reaction time and mobility as well as improved balance and coordination.


Fibromyalgia is a long term chronic condition causing pain in the muscle and bones, tenderness, fatigue and sleep disturbances. Although this condition is challenging to treat, exercises help to improve quality of life and reduce symptoms. Some of these include improvements in range of motion, reduction in pain and tenderness and improved sleep.

High Cholesterol

Cholesterol is a substance that is required by the human body to build healthy cells however an increased portion of cholesterol can lead to heart disease. This is because cholesterol develops fatty deposits within blood vessels which eventually disturbs blood flow through major arterial. In some cases those fatty deposits can break and form clots which can lead to stroke or heart attacks. Exercise can lead to an increase of high density lipo-protein (“good cholesterol”).
Woman has chest pain

Fatty Liver

Fatty liver disease is characterized by a build-up of fat in the liver which can causes damages to the organ and eventually lead to complications. Exercise has many benefits for this condition including increased insulin sensitivity, improved liver fatty acid metabolism and reduction of hepatic fat content.

High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure occurs when the force of circulating blood in the body is too high and is diagnosed when the systolic readings are above 140 mmHg and diastolic measurements are above 90mmHg. Benefits of exercise include increased muscle strength, reduced stroke volume, reduced HR and a “stronger heart” (when blood is pumped around the body more efficiently).
High Blood Pressure

Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic Syndrome
Metabolic syndrome is a combination of several conditions that occur at the same time which increases the likelihood of heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes. Some of these conditions include hypertension, high blood sugar, excessive body fat, increased cholesterol levels. Exercise can help by regulating fat and glucose metabolism which leads to increased insulin activity, lowering of BP and weight control.

Heart Conditions

Heart Conditions include a variety of conditions that affect the heart. Some of these conditions include blood vessel disease and heart defects. Exercise can cause great benefits including lowered BP, normal cholesterol levels, improved blood sugar regulation, and physiological benefits including dilation of heart vessels.

Post Stroke Rehab

Stroke occurs when there is a sudden disturbance to the blood supply of the brain which is usually caused by blocked arteries or when a blood vessel within the brain bursts causing bleeding in the brain. Exercise helps reduce the symptoms of stroke during rehab. Some of these benefits include physical benefits (improved fine and gross motor skills) and improved cognitive function.


According to the world health organization, obesity of the abnormal or excessive accumulation of fat which presents health risks. Obesity is diagnosed using the BMI method in which fat is measured in each body part. Exercise has many benefits for individuals who are obese. These benefits include weight loss, fat mass lost, improved muscular strength and endurance, improved stroke volume and HR.

Post Bariatric

Post bariatric is a type of surgical procedure given to those who are struggling to reduce weight. It involves making changes to the digestive system to help reduce weight and is considered as an option if diet and exercises are not making sufficient changes. Exercise in the post bariatric surgery phase help in many ways including improvements in circulation which lowers the risk of blood clots, improvement in bowel function and physical benefits such as strength and muscular gains.